This is my first Large Format image from my July backpacking trip to Upper Young Lake (you can see a digital image taken later this evening here), in the high backcountry of Yosemite National Park. It was a wonderful treat to shoot up here from early evening right through the sunset. The three lakes are at approximately 10,000ft elevation, with white granite slope rising above the south shore. With no obstructions for miles to the west, the granite, trees, grass, and wildflowers all catch even the very last rays of the setting sun - a perfect place to catch the golden hour.
This was taken late in the evening, just as the sun was getting low and the sunlight was taking on a warm hue (the real light show hadn't started yet). I loved the side-lit grasses in the foreground and distant granite in the background, both framing the small tree-covered island just off the shore. Translating a 4x5 chrome into a small digital image is difficult, as all of that wonderful detail compresses down into a handful of confused pixels - always a source of frustration. But, I hope some of the wonderful quality of light up here comes through in the photo, regardless.
I have several additional photos of Young Lakes to follow yet, so please check back for more.
Go to Yosemite!
Tachihara 4x5 | Caltar II-N 150mm | f/32 | 1/4s | Fuji Provia 100F | Tripod
See more related images in my Yosemite National Park Gallery.
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All text and images © Tyler Westcott, All rights reserved, Unless otherwise noted.