I have visited Yosemite in winter twice before, but never witnessed fresh snowfall in the valley before. After two snow-free days in the park in mid-February, we awoke to about 6 inches of fresh snow on our last morning. After digging out the rental car and dealing with a tire-chain debacle, we headed into the valley as quickly as we could. We were treated to a freshly snow-covered valley and peak periodically emerging and disappearing from the clouds. I believe we spent the better part of an hour just at the well-known Wowona Tunnel parking area taking it all in, and frantically making photographs.
Before packing everything up to begin our trip home, I made a few photographs of the summit of El Capitan, this one being my personal favorite. Snow was already largely melted in some section, but still appeared in others. I loved the way the summit emerged from the clouds. Despite not including the full and very-recognizable profile of this great monolith, any Yosemite fan would instantly recognize the location just from the summit. Apart from Upper Yosemite Falls and North Dome I have not personally been to any other locations on the north rim of the valley, but one of these days I would like to hike (not climb) to El Capitan's summit myself.
Nikon D90 | Nikon 70-210@125mm | f/9 | 1/640s | ISO200 | Tripod
See more related images in my Yosemite National Park Gallery.
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All text and images © Tyler Westcott, All rights reserved, Unless otherwise noted.